Purely Wrestling is a Sports Kodi Addon From The Crew Repository. The Purely Wrestling Kodi Addon is all about wrestling. You can watch live wrestling and have access to replays and a big archive with older shows.

This add-on has sections For Live, Shows, Pay Per Views, Sports, Archives, UFC Replays, Documentaries, Network Collections, Royal Rumble, Summer Slam, WrestleMania, Interviews, Classics, AEW, iMPACT, NJPW, MLW, RPW, ROH, Lucha Underground, Random Events, Matches, WWE On YouTube, WWE Tributes and more!
Be sure to have the Unknown Source box checked as Kodi 18 requires this before installing 3rd party add-ons.
How to Enable Unknown Sources option
How To Install Purely Wrestling Kodi Addon
-From your Home Screen select Settings

- Select File Manager

- Select Add Source

- Select None

- Type in the following EXACTLY https://team-crew.github.io
- Select OK
- Highlight the box underneath Enter a name for this media Source, type THE CREW & select OK
- Go back to your Home Screen and select Add-ons
- Select Select the Add-on Browser Icon
- Select Install from Zip File
For Kodi 19, When prompted with the following Warning message, click Yes.
- Select THE CREW
Select repository.thecrew-x.x.zip
- Wait for Add-On Enabled Notification
- Select Install from Repository
- Select THE CREW Repo
- Select Video Add-Ons
- Select Purely Wrestling
- Select Install & OK
- Wait for Add-On Enabled Notification

is now installed and ready to use.
The Addon can be accessed by going back to the main screen of Kodi > Add-ons - Video Add-ons