The following tutorial will provide you with step by step instructions to install Blue Magic Kodi Build.

Blue Magic is a fast, easy to use build with great add-ons for support.
Prior to installing any Kodi Build, I always recommend resetting Kodi to default settings. This can be easily done on any device you have Kodi installed on.
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How To Install Blue Magic Kodi Build Guide
- Launch Kodi
- Click the Settings icon
- Click System
- Hover over Add-ons and turn on Unknown Sources if not already enabled
- Go back to previous screen (System) and click File Manager
- Click Add source
- Click <None>
- Type the following URL exactly how it is listed here – and click OK
- Highlight the box under the source that you just typed in and enter a name for this media source, type luxury or change to any other name you would like to identify this source as and click OK
- Click your back button on remote or keyboard to return to System Page. Click Add-Ons
- Click Install from zip file
- Select luxury or other name you assigned the media source
- Click
- Wait for Luxury Repository Add-on installed message to appear
- Click Install from repository
- Click Luxury Repository
- Choose Program add-ons
- Click Luxury Wizard
- Click Install
- Wait for Luxury Wizard Add-on installed message to appear
- Click Dismiss
- Click Continue
- Choose Build Menu
- Select Blue Magic
- Click Standard Install
- Click Yes, Install
- Wait for file download to finish
- Click Force Close
Installation is now complete! Enjoy!